Executive Protection


Executive / Close Protection

We provide Discreet, Business Professional, and/or Uniformed Close Protection services. Our protection specialists derive from strong respectable backgrounds in protective security. We spare no expense in providing our professionals with the top of the line training. Our protection specialists are the best at what they do. Able to provide discreet protection services, i.e. be there without being noticed, or be a hard target for any potential threat. What ever the venue, and/or environment our professionals are trained and equipped to meet the challenge.

Improtant Information to Consider:

Executive protection (EP), also known as close personal protection, refers to security measures taken to ensure the safety of VIP’s or other individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk because of their employment, celebrity status, wealth, associations, or geographical location.

Protective measures may include home security systems, bodyguards, armored vehicles and vehicle scramble plans, mail screening, private jettravel, background checks for other employees, and other precautions. Executive protection may also provide security for immediate and/or extended family members to prevent kidnapping and extortion.

Executive protection is its own highly specialized field within the private security industry. Elite executive protection professionals will have specialized training in executive protection, driving, first aid, and marksmanship.

In the United States, executive protection services are regulated at the state level and in most cases require licensing, insurance, training and a separate concealed carry permit. Also, The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (aka HR-218) does not serve as a license for off-duty law enforcement officers to provide executive protective services. Hiring unlicensed, uninsured protection services, including those offered by off-duty law enforcement officers, creates direct liability for the client.

Any bona fide executive protection firm should be able to provide a prospective client with their:

  • State-issued Corporate Business License (HR-218 or status as a retired law enforcement officer DOES NOT replace this document)
  • State-issued registration to provide protective services (HR-218 or status as a retired law enforcement officer DOES NOT replace this document)
  • Copy of current liability insurance
  • Personal certificates of initial and on-going executive protection training for each agent
  • State-issued registrations to provide protective services for each agent
  • State-issued registrations allowing the agent to carry weapons for professional use. (HR-218 or status as a retired law enforcement officer DOES NOT replace this document)
  • An executive protection team may have agents performing in a variety of roles to better protect the client, including:
  • Detail Leader
  • Assistant Detail Leader (Detail Manager)
  • Tactical Commander
  • Motorcade Lead
  • Advance Lead
  • Mobile Agent
  • Static Agent
  • Protective Intelligence Agent